Friday, January 11, 2013

Fine Navy Day

So this last week has been a bit stressful, but the good stress, not the OMG-I-want-to-hide-in-a-hole stress.  The work week was a bit long, and our watch section was (at first) reduced to two people instead of five, but that's back to normal now.  In the midst of running around like crazy and doing jobs and such for the other half of our division, I was informed I had my Chief Petty Officer board for my Information Dominance Warfare pin.  Now, mind you, I did my murder board for this pin before I left for stand down in December. So of course, I was freaking the hell out. After roughly two hours of being bombarded with questions from four different chiefs, I was informed I am now qualified to add the EIDWS pin to my uniforms, and sign as ET3 (IDW).  Win. 

So there is one minor drawback to all of this:  I'm starting to get sick.  Hopefully, this is not the evil super flu virus that's going around (and no, I don't think it is.) It honestly feels like strep throat... boo.  The only good that could come of that is having these damn things removed from my body and hopefully getting convalescent leave to go home and recover. I'm really hoping the homemade cough syrup and just over dosing on vitamins and such will help out, though.  I kinda don't want to go under the knife again, even if it means I'll never again contract strep. 

Bonus for the weekend:  One of my favorite people is headed to Virginia from Georgia (no, not the same person I went to see that stranded me like a brat.)  I'm so excited to see her!!! I haven't seen her since I left Great Lakes Training base, so it will be a good weekend.  Of that, I'm sure.  That's about all I have right now, and considering I'm at work, I doubt anything of note will happen.  I'm honestly grateful for my watch section, I've learned a lot and it's a good support system.  Oh, in a couple of weeks I get to at least see and listen to our CNO!! I'm pretty excited, like the dork that I am.  And my officer candidate package is in the works, so hopefully I'll get that up and out before too long.  I'm definitely winning right now.  I made the right decision to be where here.  I'm getting qualifications that will make a difference on the outside, learning skills and proving myself to all the right people.  And the friends and family I have are in a word: amazing.  This isn't going to be a good year, it's going to be a great year.  Bar none. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Page

So there was something about today that just made me angry about a couple of things.  In short, I'm going to start working out harder, watching what I eat like a hawk, and getting rid of anyone in my life who tries to make me feel like I don't matter.  I've decided to not tolerate a lack of discipline.  I don't have time for that s!#%.  I have far too much to do and not much time to do it.  I will not fail.  I will not back down.  I will not give up.  And if you think I will, I invite you to step into the ring with me. We'll see who walks away breathing.

P.s. the video isn't edited for offensive language or any other content, I apologize.  But this is how I feel right now, and you can be damn sure this is on my iPod while I'm pushing it out at the gym.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Nothing lasts forever

So this past weekend was supposed to be a weekend of fun and adventure, and that is NOT what happened.  I realized that me cutting out "toxic" relationships wasn't going to be an easy thing to do, nor did I realize that some of my oldest relationships were in jeopardy of being let go.  But as the old saying goes, "if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans." Well, no kidding.

I left for Savannah, Georgia (well, Beaufort, SC first) and the drive down was GORGEOUS.  Long road trips remind you of how amazing this country is when you take away all the politics and the b.s. out there.  Anyway, making it to see my friend was like we'd never been apart.  So much fun!

Time in Savannah started out so well, getting food, seeing the city, finding good bars, etc.  To make a long story short, two arguments and a lot of chaos later, I ended up starting my drive back to Virginia much earlier than originally planned.  The details will remain between myself and the other person involved, so that's all that needs to be said there.  It marks, however, the end of a friendship that I've had for a very long time, nearly 12 yrs.  This is one of those arguments that feels more like a nuclear explosion, or a reactor leak, Chernobyl-esque, the kind that only cockroaches survive.  Both of us said and did things we shouldn't have.  But it is what it is, at this point.  I issued an apology, however it was probably meaningless. 

Moral of the story:  life in the military changes you, your friends are not who you think they are anymore.  Treat everyone with kid gloves and be a mouse.  In the end, the people who really have your back may Gibbs slap you, and give tough love, but nothing more.  They will be there to the end.  Everyone walks into your life for a reason, but not everyone will stay around forever.  The only thing we can do is move forward.  Numb yourself a little more and move on. This probably sounds callous, and part of me is just dead, but I'll survive.