Saturday, November 24, 2012

Round Two

Ok, so it's been a little over a month since my last post. Sorry for the delay, Hilary!! hahah... Anyway, so I've realized a few things in the last few weeks, and I'll explain each in turn. 1) Chipping paint isn't the worst idea I've heard of.. yet too many people seem to think I'm too smart for that. 2) Some people just shouldn't be part of the military. 3) This place can feel like prison, and yet, it's not that bad.

Ok so begin explanations, now: 1) Chipping paint. This little phrase is something most of us on this base tend to link to the undesignated people. If you're undesignated, you have no set job when you hit the fleet, you're at the mercy of every superior you come into contact with. More often than not, you're given the worst jobs, chipping paint, cleaning things no one else wants to, etc. I got extremely frustrated about a week ago and told my instructor to just send me to chip paint, I'd survive! He disagreed, and told me to try again. Needless to say, I eventually figured out what I was doing wrong, but still wanted to go chip paint. Let me state this here, however. I will be in some from of school for the first nearly two years of my naval career, which, after nearly six years of college, is a little daunting. So the fleet will remain a mystery for the next year and a half or so, much to my dismay. Eventually, I'll get to do my job instead of sitting in front of a computer screen teaching myself about electronics, so there is still hope.

2) Some people shouldn't be in the military. Ok, so this one just pisses me off. You signed the damn contract, you knew they were going to control your life, get the hell over it and stop trying to bring me down with you!!!! So this one person I know, who shall remain nameless, has decided the "navy" has ruined her life. She didn't get what she wanted, she hates her job, she doesn't want to be here blah blah blah. First of all, you knew what the job was when you signed the contract, ADVANCED ELECTRONICS. So don't give me that crap about you hate electronics, you've never liked them. So why did you sign in the first place?! Secondly, of course they tell you what to do, and when to do it. It's the Navy... a branch of the military... uh, yeah. Furthermore, if you want out that badly, I'm sure there are ways to get out. Granted, none of them will look good on you for the rest of your life, but still. So if you don't like being told what to do all the time, following simple directions, or accepting things you cannot change: DON'T JOIN THE MILITARY. Thanks.

3) Base is like prison, even though it's not quite that bad. Honestly, this all stems from being cooped up on base for too long. It really isn't that bad, but between double duty days and lots of school, I've been stuck here for far too long. There's everything I need here, food, entertainment, places to run, etc. But there's still a damn fence, haha. I just want to be on the other side of the fence for awhile!!!

Otherwise, not much is going on around this place. Classes are going relatively smoothly, I'm well on schedule to graduate on time. I've recently discovered that A school is a lot easier than ATT, so that makes me happy. It will all work out in time, hopefully. Well, that's all I've got for now, later!!

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